10 de mayo de 2020

I AM THE BLOSSOM OF YOUR FLOWER (Tribute to my mother).


Tribute to my mother

My verse is in ten lines,
my most felt homage,
mother, for your courage
strong, pretty, crystalline.
Tender mother for ever divine,
In artful home, the best,
beautiful mother, blessed
devoid of false mask
and just in case you ask
i’m a flower in your nest.

Receive my devotion, Mother
which comes from my core,
with the most sincere note
of my beloved song.
Pardon me, Mother, my wrong,
I beg you please,
Let this fruit so sweet
Caress your very soul,
because I carry your seeds
of your abundant flower.

For you, Mother Foundation,
Where I am brood of your temple,
You are to my  life an example,
My path follows yours.
Your  road I pursue.
In the sowing you display,
The sower let me play
I want to flourish in your view,
with the colors of your hue,
I am but the seed of your flower.

Let this homage spread,
through your genes subcutaneous,
my respect is spontaneous,
from my feet to my head.
Perhaps I will call you, Mother
My awakening instigator
Of my life story the creator
origin of my formation,
you are bloom of the plantation,
I am the blossom of your flower!

© Rubén Sada. Publicado en el libro "ESPINELA".
El original en castellano se puede leer aquí:https://rubensada.blogspot.com/2016/10/soy-el-fruto-de-tu-flor-decimas.html

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